
bbsengine - simple yet elegant open source (GPLv3) application framework in python and php





bbsengine3 news: docs updated, new release made which include source, new form handling (2015-nov-03)

bbsengine3 is written in php5.4 (requires 5.4.x or above) and uses PostgreSQL (9.2.x or above), the Smarty3 template engine (3.1.30+), and several modules from PEAR including pager, html_quickform2, html_quickform2_captcha and mdb2.

based on suggestions from a user, I've merged the project 'bbsenginedotorg' (this website) with 'bbsengine3' to serve as a basic example of how to get a site working using this framework.

I've radically updated the INSTALL file so the version numbers of various packages are accurate, to make descriptions more concise, and to offer some useful hints as to how to configure things so they will work well.

form handling has been simplified down to three function calls which allows for very straight-forward use of enhanced forms:

The bbsengine handbook now uses MarkDown for human-readable markup.

There is now a 'composer.json' file shipped with bbsengine3, but it has not been tested beyond a simple check to make sure it does not contain syntax errors (lint). I am interested in tools that will take a list of package names (f.e. the output of 'pear list') and set up the required records automagically including state ('beta', 'stable', etc).

before existed, I maintained a entry for 'bbsengine' and several applications.



some sites built with bbsengine4